The mission of the Marble Hill School for International Studies is to develop in each student the necessary skills to acquire and apply knowledge. Students will be provided with a social, emotional and physical environment that is nurturing, supportive, intellectually challenging and conducive to learning. Students will be empowered to become self-directed, life-long learners inspired by their personal quest for understanding of themselves and the global society in which they live.
The vision of our school is to prepare and motivate students by instilling in them critical reasoning skills, respect for themselves and one another and a commitment to excellence, kindness and perseverance.
The Educational Philosophy
The Marble Hill School for International Studies embodies the following beliefs about education and learning:
Student learning is the chief priority and focus of the school.
Learning must occur through valuable and meaningful experiences.
Learning must engage students’ unique gifts, passions and rights.
Students learn best in heterogeneous settings using collaborative grouping and a variety of instructional approaches.
Fluency in more than one language is an asset for the student, the school and the community.
Language learning promotes awareness and tolerance of other cultures.<./li>
Teachers have greater commitment to the school when their roles become that of counselors, advisors and facilitators.
Sharing responsibilities as members of the school community creates a supportive learning environment.
There are over 30 programs you or your family may be eligible for regardless of immigration status and even if you’re already receiving benefits or have a job.