Free NYC workout classes for teens

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Talkspace, is hosting FREE fitness classes Tuesday evenings this summer in a park near you. Professional trainers from FlexIt will lead a group workout, provide home fitness tips, and finish with a mind-body breath work session.

These classes are inclusive of all fitness levels, and geared to NYC teens and their parents (but all are welcome to attend). 


The first event will be held at Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Tuesday, July 23. Register below for this class and the rest of the series!

Register here


July 23 at 5pm and 6pm

The Picnic House in Prospect Park



July 30 at 5pm and 6pm

Van Cortland Park behind the Nature Center



August 6 at 5pm and 6pm

Astoria Park Great Lawn at Ditmars Blvd


August 13th at 5pm and 6pm

Location Riverside Park 80th St - North Lawn

Staten Island

August 20 at 5pm and 6pm

Franklin D. Roosevelt Boardwalk and Beach